Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"We had to make due with rose thorns and glue..."

One of my favorite lines from my all-time favorite children's book -- "Stand Back," said the Elephant, "I'm going to Sneeze" by Patricia Thomas (Author), Wallace Tripp (Illustrator). I read this line more than thirty years ago and it still pops into my head on a regular basis. Everytime I hear the words "we'll have to make due," I have to finish the thought. "With rose thorns and glue," I say under my breath. If you have never read this story, please do! It is a beautifully written and illustrated story of an elephant with a tickle in his trunk. The other animals beg and plead with him not to sneeze... they know from experience the havoc and physical harm that results from an elephant sneeze. I won't give the rest of the story away... just enough to tell you that, when the bees lost their stingers, they bravely said "we had to make due with rose thorns and glue." Adaptability. Creativity. Two of my favorite themes these days...